How to add new Lead

This can be done by following ways:

  1. From main Menu
  2. Communicator
  3. Quick Note / Instrcutions

From main Menu

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  1. Login to your relaso domain. (See how to?).

  2. Login to your relaso domain. .


  3. Goto Add Lead from the main menu. If Add lead is not found you can look for lead from the left side menu + icon on the top left and look for it. Add Contact is not found you can look for Lead which will redirect you to the Lead Dashboard and from there you can find the New Lead button on top of the page.
  4. You have an option here to create a new Contact. Then click on New Lead button which is availaible on the top of the page.

  5. Fill the name, job title and department of your Lead.
  6. Fill the Account/Business/Client field with a name of existing Account/Business/Client.
  7. Save and New will save the existing one and open a new page to add another Lead.
  8. You also have option to create a new Deal or Opportunity from here.
  9. Additionally, the Lead page provides you the ability to add your website, Instant message and social Media ID.
  10. The Lead can be assigned to any user and shared with other user also. 10.Click on Save or Save & New

From Communicator or Quick Note / Instructions

To add a Lead you have to write the following command:

"@add lead" then append the name of the Lead whom you want to add.

How to view a lead

From main Menu

Below are the steps for viewing a Lead.

  1. Go to Leads from the main menu. If not found click on the + icon on the top left and look for it. This redirects you to the Lead Dashboard.
  2. Select the necessary filters and click on Apply button.
  3. Relevant details will be visible in the page.

Type the name of the Lead you want to view. The relevant result will be displayed. Click and view the lead.

What are the ways to generate a lead

There are multiple ways to generate lead. One such way is through Webform. You can refer to the documentation of the webform for more details. Also you can manually add a new lead through the Relaso CRM. Refer to the Lead documentation for more details.