How to set up your Email Account in Relaso CRM

Email Dropbox

Manual Dropbox

Forward an email to your dropbox and Relaso will find the contact / lead who wrote the email and attach the email to his / her page. A new lead will be automatically created if no such contact / lead could be found.

BCC (or CC) your dropbox when you send an email and the email will be attached to the person receiving the email. A new lead will be automatically created if no such contact / lead could be found.

Send an instruction by email as a Subject to your dropbox to create, update (add new information, share etc.), delete any item. These items can be lead, contact, business, case, event, task, todo item, opportunity, marketing campaign or document.

Write notes for yourself or your colleagues and communicate with your contacts and leads by sending an email to your dropbox.

Automatic Dropbox

Auto-forward any incoming email from your mail server or email client like Microsoft Outlook using Rules or Add-ins to Relaso for processing. Only emails related to existing contacts and leads will be processed and attached to his / her page.

Auto-bcc any outgoing email from your email client like Microsoft Outlook using Rules or Add-ins to Relaso for processing. Only emails related to existing contacts and leads will be processed and attached to his / her page.

How to Set Up Auto-forwarding in your gmail account

  1. Go to setting by clicking the Gear option in the right hand side top
  2. Select All settings, then select Forwarding and Forwarding POP/IMAP from the top menu.
  3. Select “Forward a copy of Incoming mail to” your Auto_drop box mail ID as shown in the image and save it. All of your Gmail will be forwarded to the Auto_drop Box from now onwards.

  4. Then , Gmail is going to send you a Code to confirm your auto_forwarding request.
  5. You can find the Code inside a new Note on your Note dashboard on Relaso.
  6. Use the note to confirm Auto forwarding and you are all set to go.

Automatic Lead Capture and Auto Tagging through email dropbox

Lead Caputure

Look for the checkbox Automatically add leads from email addresses below. Provide email(s) in the below box (to add more emails hover over it and use the ‘+’ button) and setup auto forwading from the provided email to the above automatic dropbox of Relaso.

After this setup, it will automatically add the person of the forwarded email as lead if the person already not present in your account (uniqely identified by the email) else it will add a note against to the existing contact/lead present in your account.

Auto Tagging

If, the Auto Tagging field is checked and some keyword(s) are provided in the below box. If those keywords are found in the Subject or Body of the forwarded email, will be added as tags against to the added lead or note.

Outgoing Server Setting

Relaso uses your Email SMTP settings to send emails, that you specify, to your leads, contact and other users (in your account). The receiver sees the email as coming directly from you and not from any CRM system which increases its authenticity and acceptability.


Following are the steps to set up the Outgoing server setting in your Relaso domain account. «««< HEAD

  1. Login into your account. (See how to?).

  2. Login into your account. .


  3. Open Personal Settings
  4. Click on the Email tab

  5. Click on Account setup.

  6. Below the page a heading will be visible as Outgoing Server Settings

  7. Choose the option Gmail
  8. Set the Server Name as
  9. Set the port as 587 for TLS and 465 for SSL
  10. Write the Email from field with your gmail ID
  11. Choose a secure connection as TLS if available,TLS or SSL. TLS is preferable for best security.
  12. Check the Authentication option.
  13. Fill the User name with your gmail ID
  14. Password field should be filled with the Google App password. See the following steps from Google to set the App password- [[]]

Follow the above link to set up your app password for gmail. After the password is generated, put that password and click on Save.


Following are the steps to set up the Outgoing server setting in your Relaso domain account.

  1. Login into your account.
  2. Open Personal Settings
  3. Click on the Email tab
  4. Click on Account setup.
  5. Below the page a heading will be visible as Outgoing Server Settings
  6. Choose the option Hotmail
  7. Set the Server Name as
  8. Set the port as 587 for TLS and 465 for SSL
  9. Write the Email from field with your hotmail ID
  10. Choose a secure connection as TLS if available,TLS . TLS is preferable for best security.
  11. Check the Authentication option.
  12. Fill the User name with your hotmail ID
  13. Password field should be filled with the Hotmail login password. Put that password and click on Save.

Zoho Mail

Following are the steps to set up the Outgoing server setting in your Relaso domain account.

  1. Login into your account.
  2. Open Personal Settings
  3. Click on the Email tab
  4. Click on Account setup.
  5. Below the page a heading will be visible as Outgoing Server Settings
  6. Choose the option Z
  7. Set the Server Name as
  8. Set the port as 587 for TLS and 465 for SSL
  9. Write the Email from field with your hotmail ID
  10. Choose a secure connection as TLS if available,TLS . TLS is preferable for best security.
  11. Check the Authentication option.
  12. Fill the User name with your hotmail ID
  13. Password field should be filled with the zohomail login password. Put that password and click on Save.

Letterhead Manager

In Relaso CRM, you can design header and footer of your emails here. Several pre-built templates are provided for your convenience. You can use these Letterheads in one or more Email Templates in the Template Manager section.

How to add a new letterHead

  1. Login into your account.
  2. Open Personal Settings
  3. Click on the Email tab
  4. Click on LetterHead Manager tab, LetterHead Dashboard appears
  5. This section will provide a form to fillup details like Name(mandatory field), Header text, Sub header-text, Header logo, Footer text, Footer logo and Share with options.

    Share with - drop down to select the options among

    1. Everyone
    2. None(Private)
    3. Select a group …
    4. Select people …

    This options are selected to share the LetterHead.

    NOTE: If you are selecting none(private) option then the web form will still be visible to all your parent user.

    If you are selecting a group or people then respective options for groups and people must be selected.

  6. Click on Save or Save & New

How to view/delete existing Letter head

  1. Login into your account.
  2. Open Personal Settings
  3. Click on the Email tab
  4. Click on Letter Manager tab, LetterHead Dashboard appears
  5. On the right scroll bar you can see the details of the existing letter heads along with the total number of letter heads set. When you hover your mouse pointer over each letter head details you can find view, edit and delete option for the letter head.

Template Manager

In Relaso CRM, you can design Email templates for sending emails related to notes, business rules, anniversary and birthday greetings. Email templates contains variable(s) like Contact, Email, Phone Number etc. which are replaced with the actual data provided. Mark certain templates as default for certain type of emails like emails related to a note or to send birthday or anniversary greetings etc.

How to add new Email Template

  1. Login into your account.
  2. Open Personal Settings
  3. Click on the Email tab
  4. Click on Template Manager tab, Email Template Dashboard appears
  5. A new Create Template form appears in which the fields Template name, Type, Style are mandatory. In the letterHead dropdown you can choose the existing letterheads created. Fill the other relevant details and Click on Save or Save & New. You can check the preview of the template generated.

How view/delete existing Letter head

  1. Login into your account.
  2. Open Personal Settings
  3. Click on the Email tab
  4. Click on Template Manager tab, Email Template Dashboard appears
  5. On the right scroll bar you can see the details of the existing Template along with the total number of templates set. When you hover your mouse pointer over each letter head details, you can view preview and delete option for the letter head.

Note: You can only delete the custom email templates