How to add Custom fields

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  1. Login to your Relaso CRM (See how to?).

  2. Login to your Relaso CRM .


  3. Go to Account Settings and open the Custom Field tab. You can add multiple custom fields for different dashboards which can be found under "Record" dropdown.

Note: If the Account Settings is not visible to you then you are not entitled to add any custom fields.

  1. You can select the data type of the fields from the drop down Type.
  2. Give a name of the field in the "Label" input field.
  3. Three check boxes are explained below:
    1. Quick Search - If this box is checked then the particular custom field can be searched from the global search option.
    2. Reporting - If this box is checked then the particular custom fields can be visible in the Reports page and also while applying conditions on business rule.
    3. Is Mandatory - If this box is checked then the particular custom fields is mandatory for a particular page chosen in the Record drop down.
  4. Help field is used to add any description for that field.
  5. Click on Save.

What is the benefits of Custom fields

Custom fields are useful in various ways. These fields helps a user to add input fields as per their own preferences and needs. Using these fileds you can find and filter the records in report page.