Social Media Integration

After login to your relaso domain go to the personal setting and then click on the Social button to change settings inorder to integrate social platform with relaso. Below are some of the platform which can be integrated under the social section.

Brand Monitoring

  1. Go to the Brand Monitoring section
  2. You will find three checkboxes for Websites, News, Blog. Select the relevant platforms for brand monitoring.
  3. Give the keyword for which you want to monitor.
  4. You can also specify location and distance.
  5. You can apply restriction to search for certain websites.

Blog integration

Follow the below steps to publish your blog automatically on the blog site you want.

  1. Go to the Blog Connect section
  2. Click on Enable blogging
  3. Provide the XML-RPC url which can be found from your blog site.
  4. Provide the User name of your blog site.
  5. Provide the password of your blog site.

For example

Using WordPress create blog, signup using username and password and after creating a domain for your blog site.

To create a blog site using wordpress.

  1. Go to
  2. Go to Product section
  3. Go to create a blog
  4. Click on Get started

To get the XML-RPC url

  1. Login to your blog site in the wordpress site.
  2. Go to your account settings.
  3. Copy the web address of the blog site and add xmlrpc.php to your address

    For example:

To Publish Post

  1. Go to the communicator Dashboard or Quick NOte/Instructions by clicking the following as shown in the below image by arrow.
  2. you can click the blog icon or you can just write #b followed by the blog content.
  3. Click on publish.